At Reel Creative, we're passionate about producing captivating videos that leave a lasting impression. Our streamlined process, from pre-production to production and post-production, ensures that your video project is in expert hands.

Throughout the entire video production process, our team remains dedicated to delivering a video that effectively communicates your message, engages your target audience, and reflects the unique qualities of your brand. We value your input and strive to create a collaborative partnership that results in a video that truly represents your vision.

Pre-production: laying the foundation

The pre-production phase is where all the groundwork is laid for your video project. Our team will arrange a meeting to understand your objectives, target audience, and key messages. We will help you to shape your ideas, and provide valuable and expert insights to enhance the impact of your video.

During this stage, we will assist you in developing a compelling video script and storyboard that captures your vision. We will also take care of other essential elements, such as location scouting, sourcing props, and organising the necessary equipment. Our meticulous planning ensures that everything is in place before we move onto the production phase.

Production: lights, camera, action!

The pre-production phase is complete and it’s time to bring your video project to life. Our professional crew will handle all the logistical and technical aspects, so you can focus on your message and performance.

We use state-of-the-art equipment to capture the highest quality visuals and audio. Whether it’s shooting on location or in our fully-equipped podcast recording studio, we will ensure that the production process is smooth and efficient. Our team will direct the shoot, ensuring all shots are executed flawlessly, and the footage captured aligns with the agreed plan.

Post-production: polishing your masterpiece

Once all the footage has been captured, we will begin the process of unleashing the full potential of your video. During the post-production phase, we carefully select the best shots, apply colour correction, and enhance the audio quality to create a visually stunning and engaging final video.

Our editors will also incorporate any necessary motion graphics, visual effects, or animations to further enhance your video’s impact. Your input is encouraged throughout this part of the process, allowing Reel Creative to ensure that the final video meets or even exceeds your expectations.

Ready to bring your vision to life? Contact Reel Creative today and let's start producing a captivating video that leaves a lasting impression!

Behind the Scenes: the Video Production Process from Start to Finish